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5 Tips for The Perfect Brazilian Wax

Preparing for your wax can help to achieve beautiful, silky smooth results. Here are our top tips for the perfect Brazilian wax.

Only ever use a qualified therapist, especially for Brazilian Waxing.

They know what they’re doing. They’re like Jedi knights of the waxing world. Giving you silky smooth skin, relatively quickly in one moderately comfortable treatment. This won’t happen when you do it yourself. It will be a massacre! Trust me. I’ve tried. It ended in tears with me thinking ‘yeah, I can live with a patch of hardened wax on my lady bits for the rest of my life because there was no way I could deal with the pain of removing the wax myself. So use a therapist and don’t be shy. Ask where they trained and how long they’ve been waxing for. A good therapist will be able to do a relatively fast wax, about thirty minutes for a full leg wax and fifteen to twenty minute for a Brazilian Wax. The waxing results will last longer – you should be able to go about 6 weeks before your next wax (differs from person to person though). The wax will also be a lot less painful, it’s not going to be awesome but it should be comfortable. It will also be a lot more dignifying, it won’t end with you meekly asking your husband, mom, neighbour (who ever) to rip off wax from your special bits while you cry and cling to the bed post.

Only ever use a professional grade product!

Seriously. To avoid rashes, in grown hairs, actual chunks of skin been removed, swelling and allergic reactions be sure that you’re using a good wax. Ask your therapist when you book your Brazilian waxing appointment what they use and google the company! This is one place to avoid the cheap and nasty. There are a lot of fantastic wax brands out there that will nourish your skin. These companies usually use Pre & Post Waxing Products to ensure the utmost comfort and care is provided during your treatment. We recommend Harley Wax, a leading wax from the UK. Out of all the products I’ve used I’ve found them to give the most comfortable wax, I’ve never had a bad reaction and the duration between waxes is usually longer.

Scrub- a-dub-dub. Always exfoliate before a Brazilian Wax.

Here are some waxing tips. Before your Brazilian wax it’s a good idea to exfoliate your skin. The day before is the best time to do this. You don’t need to use any fancy products – just some sugar mixed in with some baby cream should do the trick. Once in the shower I wash as normal. Then turning the shower off I rub the sugar- baby cream mixture into the desired area and then rinse off. You can jazz up your home made exfoliation scrub by adding essential oils, coconut oil, lavender or vanilla. There are thousands of different mixtures out there to try. Here’s my favourite:
Vanilla, cream and brown sugar scrub
½ cup- Plain baby cream (you can use coconut oil if you like; it will be fantastic for your skin but can be quite pricey)
½ cup- Brown sugar
½ teaspoon – vanilla

Use a pain killer

This is not the time to be a martyr. If the pain aspect of waxing especially a Brazilian wax is a problem for you or if your skin is just very sensitive then take a pain killer. Just a normal head ache pill thirty minute before your appointment should take the edge off. If you’re opposed to taking pain killers Arnica pill are another great solution as they are great natural pain relievers and an anti-inflammatory.

Finally, wear something loose fitting on the day of your wax

We all know how great you look in your skinny jeans but to make your Brazilian waxing experience as comfortable as possible its best to wear loose fitting clothes after the appointment. This will prevent any chaffing and inflammation of the area. It will also give the after wax products some time to be absorbed giving you the best results.

I hope these top 5 tips for perfect Brazilian waxing help! Happy waxing everybody.

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