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Get Waxed Just in Time for Summer

Waxing delivers the softest, smoothest, silkiest summer skin. Get waxed in time for summer and enjoy feeling sleek, sexy and confident in the sunshine!

Have you ever felt that shaving between waxes just doesn’t “cut” it when it comes to summer?

Well that may be because a lot of women tend to fall out of their waxing routine during the Winter season which means all the hard work of waxing on a regular basis during the summer has now been forgotten by the hair follicles in your own skin. Follow this link to see why it is important to keep up your waxing routine in Winter. The greatest benefit of waxing is not having to shave continuously especially in Summer when the need for soft, hair free legs, and nether regions, is far greater than any other time of the year.

Everyone has heard of waxing, but some myths associated with waxing have been keeping a great deal of women away giving it a fair chance. Summer is just around the corner and if there was any better time for anyone to give either a leg or bikini wax a try it would be now. Whether you’re a soccer mom or an FHM model, you definitely want to be prepared to show off your legs in the summer.

Why You Should Get Waxed Just in Time for Summer

There are lots of benefits to waxing So with all that in mind here are 10 tips to get those sexy smooth legs you are looking for… just in time for summer:

  1. Grow your hair to at least 1mm in length before you wax.
  2. Don’t wax five days before or after your period.
  3. Exfoliate before your appointment. We also advise your therapist uses Harley Pre-Waxing Oil before the wax is applied to the skin.
  4. Don’t go to gym after a wax. (Tender skin can chafe.)
  5. Wax at least 2 days before any planned event such as beach day.
  6. Find out what style suits you better (Brazilian, Bikini, etc.) If you are unsure which style is best for you follow this link for more information.
  7. Wear loose, comfortable clothing on the day of your appointment.
  8. Make sure you are clean (everywhere) before arriving to an appointment.
  9. After care is very important. Harley Waxing has a great retail range to prevent those pesky ingrown hairs.
  10. Know that over time it will get better as your hair follicles weaken each time.

So now that your legs are looking sexy and smooth, you can keep them that way by waxing regularly. You can book waxing treatments in advance at your salon. 

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