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Harley Waxing Co-Sponsors a South African Team at the 2019 Cape Epic

The 2019 Cape Epic started on an incredibly high note; in altitude and in spirits. As Harley Wax has shown outstanding endurance over the last 35 years within the professional waxing industry, so too can we recognise this same incredible endurance required to compete in the world’s most challenging off-road race – the Cape Epic. For the fifth year running we have co-sponsored a successful South African Master’s team – recognising a dedication to their sport that mirrors that of Harley’s dedication to its products and services.

Having started in 2004 from humble beginnings, the Cape Epic has grown into an internationally acclaimed event.  It covers over 700 gruelling kilometers of South African terrain with ascents totalling over 15 000 meters (49 000 feet). The eight-day challenge is something most riders’ dream of competing in. Those that are lucky enough to qualify, spend the year preparing for what’s in store. And, with this being the only mountain bike race classed as hors catégorie, it’s no wonder that the two-person groups of riders travel from all over the world to compete.

Endurance racing and beauty products may seem like an unlikely pair, but they go together better than many realise. There are copious health and performance benefits to competing “hairless” and, according to Livestrong’s article by Darren Young, “The Benefits of Waxing for Athletes”, it seems that it’s not all performance based.

Cyclists claim to have other relevant reasons for keeping their legs smooth. First, shaving is a preventive measure that they take to lessen the difficulty of treating road rash. Wrecks happen often and hairless wounds are easier to clean and treat. Another reason is for better enjoyment of massage… Hair gets in the way and can make massage uncomfortable… Finally, cyclists wear spandex, a lot. Hair and tight-fitting clothing don’t make for a good combination.

The Harley Waxing Cape Epic Team

It was therefore an easy choice to make when it came to co-sponsoring a team. This year we were proud to once again to sponsor a local Master’s team from Hermanus, South Africa, aptly named Team Wildekrans BEVintners; a mix of Wildekrans Estate in the Hermanus area (where Braam Gericke is the Viticulturists and Estate Manager) and Black Elephant Vintners in Franschhoek (where Jacques Wentzel is the winemaker). This duo have competed together in three Cape Epics and are a force to be reckoned with. Competing in the Masters category this year, their zany personalities mixed well with their dedication and passion. It found them once again finishing in a great place in this intense, adrenaline-packed contest . It was a tough race, with many unforeseen obstacles on the way. However, the team did incredibly well and we’re proud of their achievement!

Next year we plan to support the team once again.

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