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Erna Maria Eiríksdóttir, Harley’s Iceland Distributor

We are delighted to introduce you to Erna Maria, Harley Waxing’s distributor in Iceland. Through a combination of teaching aesthetics students and running a busy salon, Erna Maria has a thriving business. We interviewed her to find out how she fits it all in!

How did you get started with Harley Waxing?

I’ve been using Harley Wax in my salon for about 11 years. I was looking around for a quality wax and as soon as I sampled it. I knew right there it was the one I needed! The products are great and so is the company – honest and easy to work with.

The beauty of Harley Wax Products is that they are so easy to use. With a bad product, you can be stuck in a room with a client for a long time. With Harley, clients are in and out quickly with no delay and a perfect result! It is great to be a Harley distributor. As, I know I can rely on the high quality of their products.

Tell us about a typical week in your business…

I’ve been running our salon for around 19 years and we have a close team of experienced therapists. I’m in the salon for three days each week and I’m proud to say I’m usually booked up with appointments for the next few weeks! I combine teaching at the college with my work as a distributor twice a week. As well as studying for my further teaching qualification at university.

I believe to sell a product well, you must be hands-on. I keep up-to-date with the latest techniques. Therefore, my students and clients are well informed in using the right products correctly.

How do you continue to expand your Harley Waxing sales business in Iceland?

When it comes to supplying salons, it’s all about word of mouth. I don’t go around the salons and do a hard sell – that’s just not how I operate as a distributor. The quality of Harley Waxing Products means that word travels fast; people come to me to find out more! I give demonstrations once therapists have bought products from me. As a result, they will be able to get the same consistent quality from Harley Wax as I do.

How does your teaching work support your sales growth?

I love to teach and I work at the only beauty therapy college in the country. In Iceland, aesthetics training takes 4-5 years so it’s a very in-depth course. I use my experience to teach the latest techniques to the next generation of therapists. I supply the college with Harley Waxing Products so the students learn how to work in perfect harmony with the products. This allows them to choose the right wax for the right skin type.

When the graduates leave to work in salons or to start their own businesses. They continue to use Harley Wax because they know it inside and out and they love it as much as I do. I’m always there to offer refresher training too, especially when salons recruit new students. In this way, I’ve been able to continue to grow my Harley business across the country.

What is it you love about being a Harley distributor?

I’m really passionate about reading the skin properly. For me, being a distributor is all about talking to the client: finding out what they’ve used in the past, looking at their skin to see if they have sensitivity. Then you can match a product exactly to a skin type. It’s also really important to be open to anybody and everybody – we therapists love and welcome all skin types without judgement or embarrassment.

What’s essential as a distributor is knowing how to respond to each challenge that is presented and Harley has the perfect combination of products to make that possible. For example, I love to blend the aftercare oil with aloe vera for a wonderful cool finish for sensitive skin.

Choosing a favourite wax is a little like choosing a favourite child! But for me I love the Gold Strip Wax. I can offer a quick and easy service with no bruising, no ingrown hairs and no burning or redness. I also like to use the hard wax as part of a quick package: half legs, under the arms and Brazilian (using hard wax) can all be done in 30 minutes and the client goes happily on their way!

It’s true that to get the best from a great product takes a little patience – but you’ll get there!

What tips do you have for distributors in other regions?

You need to have trust and honesty in your relationships, whether that’s with Harley, your clients or your team members. So, you need to work together to find solutions and be open to learning all the time!

I am obsessed with ingredients – I love to know exactly what’s in every product and why it is there and I get all the information I need from the Harley team. I also think it’s really important to keep your skills fresh and demonstrate to potential clients how Harley Wax offers something really unique in the market. When other people start to love your products then the good word spreads!

Click here for 5 Reasons to Become a Harley Wax Distributor

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