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Telling the Harley Wax Story

It is not unusual to start a story about a company’s history by mentioning how long they’ve been operational. In fact, marketing messages or promotional content often uses these details. But what does it really say about a company? Surely the ways in which companies have used those years counts for more than just the impressiveness of the number? And there lies the essence of the Harley Wax story.

Almost 30 years of experience in the beauty industry

On a visit to America in the late 80s, long before anyone knew that one day the name Harley Waxing would become a widely known and respected brand, the Knowler family found themselves intrigued by toning tables. Seeing a great opportunity, they brought these tables to a group of salons in the United Kingdom. A combined background in the beauty industry and sharp business acumen turned a calculated risk into a great toning table success story.

Harley Body Wrap is born

Around this time, the same beauty salons were using a body wrap as a slimming treatment. Though not a bad product, the Knowlers felt that there was potential to develop a better product. Again seizing an opportunity, the couple approached a biochemist-friend asking for advice. The product they were using in the salon was leaving a residue on clients’ skins forcing them to take a shower after treatments, thus cancelling any residual benefits the product could have, if allowed to stay on the skin.

The solution? Harley Body Wrap was developed with an Aloe Vera-based concentrate that not only detoxifies the body and tones the skin, but also showed tremendous benefits for clients suffering from skin ailments like eczema or psoriases. The combination of a significant loss in inches after just one treatment, combined with these added benefits, made the Harley Body Wrap an overnight sensation. Thus, another opportunity presented itself… The export market.

Going global

The Harley Body Wrap was an overwhelming success success. In no time at all, we were exporting it to countries around the world – and happy clients couldn’t get enough of it. The success of this fantastic product made other international cosmetic brands take note. Soon the Harley team had established great relationships with big brands from Italy, Switzerland and France (to name only a few) and the supply and distribution end of things grew very successfully as Harley agreed to distribute other product in addition to its own. Around this time a well-known beauty wax company approached Harley about the possibility of distributing their product as well. Not knowing it at the time, this would be the step that would kick-start a whole new adventure.

Sometimes an obstacle in the road is a blessing in disguise

Although the distribution of the beauty wax company’s product started off well, it unfortunately did not stay that way and due to supply problems the two companies eventually parted ways. But the exposure to the beauty wax industry had planted a seed in the minds of the Harley team and, never shying away from a great opportunity, they let it germinate.

After giving the idea a considerable amount of thought, the Knowler family approached a wax company. Their idea was to develop a wax range that would surpass the quality of any product on the market. However, they also envisioned a product that was affordable. To anyone looking on, this would have seemed impossible. But as it turned out, the Harley beauty wax range was not only a dream come true for the Harley team. It also changed the lives of those working for the company that manufactures the wax used in the formulation. The success of the Harley Wax range touched everyone involved.

The launch of Harley Wax

In 2007, more than a decade after the success of the Harley Body Wrap, the Harley Wax range was launched with Rose and Lavender Hot Wax, Rose and Gold Strip Wax as well as Pre & Post Products. In 2008 the Harley Cleanser & Toner and Natural Wax Solvent is added to the growing family of consumer trusted products.

Completely indispensable during this important time in the company’s history was Susannah Hewitt. Her financial skills as in-house accountant played such an integral role that she has since become a company director. Yet another life changed by the Harley Wax story.

Since those early days, the popular Summer Fruits range, as well as a variety of other products – most recently the Tea Tree Strip Wax with its soothing anti-inflammatory properties – has been added to the Harley Wax range of products.

Nothing but excellence will do

Since the launch of the Harley Wax product range, we have never had depleted stock levels. Additionally, supply has always kept pace with demand. We consistently deliver orders within two working days and client satisfaction remains the most important goal. Our clients, who return month on month, are proof that this is a winning formula. Thanks to a small, but dedicated team who deliver on exceedingly high standards, the Harley story is far from over.

We are proud of the Harley Wax story and our company’s achievements, but equally proud of the road we took to achieve its success. Whatever the future holds, this dynamite team is ready for it… Here’s to the next chapter of the Harley Wax story!

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